✅Dead by Daylight - Demise of the Faithful chapter
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✅Dead by Daylight - Demise of the Faithful chapter


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Activation: Steam
Regional restrictions: Without regional restrictions (ROW / REGION FREE / GLOBAL)

Demise of the Faithful is a brand-new Chapter for Dead by Daylight, which includes a new Killer, a Survivor and a Map. Purchasing the Demise of the Faithful DLC will unlock its new Killer, new Survivor, and an exclusive item for the new survivor.

Embrace the immense unknown and surrender yourself to the vast inexplicable: that is the oath of the faithful. When surrounded by darkness, they look inward for a beacon of light to follow, trusting it will lead them to safety. But when their light is distorted by pride and ambition, how long will they err in the dark?

Sold to a Babylonian temple as a child, she sought the means to repel the darkness she carried inside. She found solace in sacred rituals, where she felt safe and empowered. Faithful but proud, she began to rise in status and believed she was untouchable. But when a plague began to defile her body, she confronted her gods, realizing too late that they had no impact on her fate.

Jane Romero was striving to become a powerful icon, a voice that would inspire and support those in need. She fought against powerful executives to send out her message about owning up to your insecurities. Every day she would share her beliefs and practices with thousands of avid followers. One evening, she was driving home after a particularly stressful live show, and feeling drained, she closed her eyes for a moment that had lasting consequences.

The Plague
Devoted to the gods with unwavering faith, this former High Priestess of Babylon convinced hundreds to follow her lead. Hymns and amulets were created in her honor, praising her beauty and foresight. She gained influence during a time of despair, when a dark plague was gaining ground and rapidly spreading across Babylon. Her faith proved to be inconsequential against the disease, which she contracted. While she hid the blisters swelling from her neck, the sores crusting her lips, and the rancid smell of sick clinging to her skin, she continued to lead the prayers, hoping to appease the gods. But no ritual could save her. Growing desperate, she banished herself from Babylon with a small group of followers and traveled North. Her condition then took a turn for the worse, interrupting their journey, and they took refuge in a cold cave, where they met their end.

The Plague’s Power: Vile Purge
The former High Priestess of Babylon wanted to rise high enough to touch the gods. Just as she thought she was untouchable, she contracted a terrible affliction that she kept secret. Every day, she would perform rituals and cleanse her followers, hoping the god of pestilence and mayhem would forgive her. Her condition deteriorated as the plague overtook her body: her toes blackened, her neck mushroomed into cysts, and her throat gagged with blood vomit. The Plague uses her power, Vile Purge, to release a stream of vomit that infects her victims. A gauge controls the amount of time the Power lasts once launched. The Gauge starts empty. To fill it up, the player is required to charge his attack by holding down on the Power button. During the charging, The Plague suffers a speed movement penalty which ends when the power is released or when the charge reaches 100%. At that moment the movement speed is back to 100% of the base speed.

The Plague and Jane Romero comes with 3 new perks.

Цена: 2.3 $.

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